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HP: the perfect example of a company falling apart because it is both too big and too fragmented.ASUS PB278Q 27-Inch WQHD LED-lit PLS Professional Graphics Monitor As an owner of one, I would not, under any circumstances, recommend this monitor to anyone. All of them have issues with the USB hub, but it least the monitor keeps working if you don't have the USB cable plugged in. The second run monitors had a serious issue with the control boards. Most of the first run monitors had the power supplies die within months. However, it also has two major hardware issues that render it useless when they occur. It's splitting hairs mighty thin, but that's the way HP's support is separated out.) When I finally got through, they sent a tech with a replacement monitor the next day. (It is a "Commercial" monitor, not business or personal.

It took me over three hours on the phone to get to the department that actually handled the support for this monitor. It's a great looking monitor, and it performas well by my standards, but suffers from a significant lack of both reliability and support. I have the HP ZR2740w, and have for over a year now.