MORE FROM FORBES Taylor Swift's 'Evermore' Headed For Another Massive Debut Atop Billboard 200 By Bryan RolliĮminem will also suffer under Billboard’s updated merchandise and ticket bundle rules, which no longer count albums bundled with merchandise or concert tickets into the album or song charts unless they are promoted as an add-on to those purchases. 1 on the global Spotify chart with 7.268 million streams and the U.S. 4 on the global chart with 5.773 million streams. The figures look even worse when compared to other chart-toppers like Swift, whose “Willow” debuted at No. Spotify chart in January with 2.573 million streams and No. By comparison, Music to Be Murdered By’s “Godzilla” debuted at No. “Gnat” was the highest-debuting track on the global Spotify chart on Friday, reaching No. For starters, the album’s early streaming performance has been, frankly, abysmal.

The reasons for Music to Be Murdered By - Side B’s lackluster projected debut are manifold.