WEF Rudolfs Industrial Waste Management Medal for noteworthy accomplishments in industrial waste management research, 2008.WEF Gordon Maskew Fair Distinguished Engineering Educator, 2011.AEESP Distinguished Lecturer, 2015-2016.Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award, 2022.Professional Engineer, State of Michigan.Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) – Past President.American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists – Board Certified.

I am a member of, active in, and/or licensed by the following professional associations: I emphasize interdisciplinarity and critical thinking in students consequently, many of my students are co-advised across disciplines and sectors and gain a broad range of professional skills in return. Through our work, we: evaluate the fate of chemicals, pathogens and contaminants of emerging concern in water with relevance to public health and the environment use technologies to sense and remove these constituents and advance technologies that recover useful resources from water. We focus on assessing and advancing public and environmental health using chemical, biological and analytical approaches applied to water systems using both physical experiments and computational models. The Love Research Group works at the interface of water, infrastructure and public health in both domestic and global settings. BS, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 1984.MS, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 1986.PhD, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 1994.Next Generation Transportation Systems Research Facilities.Center of Excellence in Bridges and Structures.Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology.Environmental Chemistry and Soil Physics.Construction Engineering and Management.Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate Studies (SUGS) Applicants.Construction Engineering and Management MasterTrack™.What is a Civil or Environmental Engineer?.BSE Degree in Environmental Engineering.Faculty Position in Mobility and Transportation Systems.Faculty Position in Environmental Engineering.